FOWWS trustees - 3 Nov 2020

Friends of the Scrubs

Trustees Meeting on Tues 3rd Nov 2020 via Zoom

Present:  Sir Stephen Waley-Cohen (chair); Smita Dave (Treasurer); Carmel McLoughlin (Secretary); Sarah Johnson(website); David Jeffreys(legal); Miriam Shea; Eleanor Botwright; Stewart Dalby (President)

1.      Privacy Policy – this was drafted by David and had been circulated to the Trustees prior to the meeting, together with a note for the members.  This was unanimously approved, and the note agreed for circulation. David was thanked for his efforts. Agreed that a separate email address will be set up for members to contact on data issues.

2.     LCS – Stephen outlined the current position with LCS.  At the last meeting of the Wormwood Scrubs Charitable Trust on the 6th Oct it was agreed that three potential options would go through a procurement process to identify a possible partner. 

The options are:

(i)             An enhanced community sports facility;

(ii)            A 30,000 professional sports stadium and

(iii)          a sports and events/exhibition centre along the lines of the ExCel centre. 

The potential partner will need to take on the risks of planning permission, make accommodation for the existing users and stakeholders etc. Miriam & Stephen have met with John Anderson, Head of Development at Imperial about their putting potentially forward a bid under (i). No decision made yet but the prospect of having sports facilities for their students locally is attractive. Miriam and Stephen are also due to meet with Hammersmith Hospital (the Head of Development, Imperial Healthcare). They will be discussing the impact on the hospital of the potential closure of Du Cane Road, access to the Car Park, noise during construction and when in action, and general impact of any building development on the site, as well as any potential interest in becoming involved in a bid to achieve benefits for their own staff, including creche facilities.

Eleanor wondered whether the Friends should be trying to put forward a bid.  Whilst the trustees were sympathetic to the view it was felt that with our limited expertise we would likely not be able to raise the finance required to be a viable bidder.  TVH had tried to establish a bid previously, and despite enormous expertise in raising finance on their board, they were unable to do so.

On whether the Friends should be taking action now, David outlined the obstacles facing any potential bid to develop LCS.  Planning permission would be required and with the protection afforded by MoL (Metropolitan Open Land) it is likely that any planning permission would be subject to an Inquiry or by call-in by the Mayor or the Secretary of State for decision. If there is a lot of public support for a proposal, it may not be vetoed by the Sec of State or by the Mayor. Under the WSA (Wormwood Scrubs Act 1879) nothing can be built on the Scrubs without the permission of the owner which is H&F as Trustee, but also needs consent from the Secretary of State for Defence. The Scrubs is designated as an area for exercise and recreation.  The WSCT have taken advice which apparently suggests that if an entertainment venue were to generate sufficient income to allow for facilities to be improved elsewhere on the Scrubs for exercise and recreation, then it might be allowed.

The potential conflict of interest between the WSCT and LBHF was discussed.  They are both very aware of this and discussions around ways around this are being looked at and expert advice sought.  They could be required to have in place an independent trustee appointed by the Charity Commission to ensure balance.

3.     HS2 and Sewer: History of this issue goes back to 2015 when it became clear that the sewer needed to be diverted from the depot to the existing Stamford Brook sewer which runs under the Scrubs because of the new HS2 works. The Friends were very involved in suggesting an alternative route for the diversion, and the Friends attended the House of Commons Select Committee. In summary an alternative was not viable and we are stuck with the route. Safeguards were built into the Agreement between HS2 and LBHF such that if requested by LBHF and, subject to certain conditions, access should be from Old Oak Common Lane rather than Braybrook Street. HS2  were also required to ensure mitigation of the damage and disturbance to the Scrubs, including the carrying out of ecological surveys.  David has asked LBHF what action they have taken under those provisions in the Agreement, but no substantive response has been received.  David will chase for a response. 

4.     Sarah said she would like the Friends to be more involved with local residents on the Old Oak Estate and she has suggested litter days could be set up.  This has been tried in the past but did not generate much interest or participation. The Friends are apparently seen as an elite group by some. Smita made the point that she circulates information about the Friends regularly amongst residents of Brickfields who are also within LBHF.  Nina Hall has promoted the Friends widely within the Old Oak Estate. David said that the Friends are mixture of residents and users, and the interests are not necessarily the same. Faye Thomas a new local resident has generated huge interest due to the HS2 sewer issue, and its potential impact on both residents and the biodiversity. She is obviously very capable of creating interest via social media which we should be doing more of.  Sarah was applauded for all her work on setting up the new website and making papers etc available there.  With Nina stepping down as Newsletter Editor, we do need a replacement and we also want to generate a greater presence on social media.  Stephen will meet with Faye to establish whether she may be someone to be invited to join the Friends of the Scrubs Trustees to fulfil that role.  Nina had also identified a Hugh Levinson who works at the BBC who is a local resident who might be suitable for the role.  Stephen will be contacting him.  We do need to be clear as to our aims and objectives as Friends by trying to gain traction on social media.


Carmel McLoughlin

Secretary 091120


This is what HS2 is about to destroy…


HS2 drop-in for local residents on Wednesday 28 October