Scrubs Life
How the Scrubs enhances the lives of humans - and offers a much-needed haven for our hard-pressed wildlife

“The Scrubs”
…is an open space located in the north-eastern corner of the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham in West London.
It is the largest open space in the Borough, at 80 hectares (200 acres), and is one of the largest areas of common land in London.
It has been a public open space since the Wormwood Scrubs Act of 1879.
The Scrubs is a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation with areas designated as Local Nature Reserves including Braybrook Woods, Martin Bell's Wood and the Central Woodland Copse.
Habitats include woodland (plantation), scrub and grassland. Animals include common
lizards, approximately 100 species of bird and 20 species of butterfly.
There are also approximately 250 native plant species which make up one sixth of UK native flora. “
- Wormwood Scrubs Charitable Trust
What is Wormwood Scrubs Open Space?

Our bird reports
Barbara Crowther and the other expert birders keep a record of species sighted on Wormwood Scrubs and those to look out for - occasional updates here
David Lindo’s bird archive for 2011
David Lindo, the “Urban Birder”, kept a detailed record of bird sightings during 2011 which forms a valuable document for future conservation and restoration work.
History of The Scrubs
From a military exercise area to the present day….
To the right is the official map used to designate the area protected by the Wormwood Scrubs Act of 1879.