FOWWS Trustees meeting 7 Sept
The FOWWS Trustees Meeting
Tues 7 September 2021 at 6pm
Via Zoom
Present: Stephen Waley-Cohen (chair); Smita Dave (treasurer); Carmel McLoughlin (secretary); Ben Novak; Jack Perschke; Emma Ranson; Miriam Shea; Faye Thomas.
Apologies: Sarah Johnson;
1. Minutes of the last meeting on the 17th June 2021 approved
Matters arising: All covered by items to be discussed below.
2. Next WSCT meeting 8.09.21 – items to be raised by Miriam and Stephen as our nominee co-opted members:
The Report of the Legal Enforcement Team (LET) was noted. Purports to be a 24/7 service, with wide consultation with interested groups. None of the FoWWS trustees have seen/spoken to them although Jack saw a car being driven on the grass near the prison by 2 men wearing LBHF hi-viz tabards who, when he asked what they were up to, claimed they were checking on the Scrubs. There should not be any vehicles being driven across the grass. The claim about locking the gates suggests they do not know the Scrubs. There have been no responses, or very slow responses, received to messages to LET.
Miriam reported there is hope that the new Maintenance Contract will be an improvement on the last. Confidentiality around its contents for now, as not yet awarded.
Masterplan consultation – the trustees are concerned that the implementation of the works is being delayed for a further consultation. There have already been 2 consultations. Could go out with Option C only as that was previously agreed as the most suitable for the Scrubs. LUC were to produce updated plans, not yet seen. Will stress the urgency of getting on with the works – should ideally commence in Autumn 21.
Will also check as to whether all funding has been received by LBHF from HS2.
HS2 sewer works - there is hope that the works will be completed by June 22 in which case there will be no need for the CPO.
HS2 Protest Camps - The protestors have been to court regarding their eviction and given more time by the court to remove their structures/encampment. Their rights to use/visit the Scrubs are unaffected, and their continued scrutiny of HS2 is welcomed.
By agreement the following statement was issued to all Friends on 8 September:
The Trustees of FOWWS have been asked to write in connection with the eviction notice issued by LBHF to the protest camps in Chats Wood adjacent to the HS2 property.
We note that the matter was considered in court this week, and, accordingly, do not think it appropriate to comment. However, we understand from reports on facebook of the court hearing that the structures at the protest camps must be removed when the eviction notice is amended, but that there will be no restriction on individuals visiting Wormwood Scrubs to observe HS2’s actions.
We support continued scrutiny of HS2 activity on Wormwood Scrubs by Friends and others to ensure that HS2 restrict their activities to their authorised areas and cause the minimum necessary damage to vegetation and wildlife.
The existing gate structure off Scrubs Lane by Woodmans Mews is to be removed and new rising bollards installed at a cost of c.£60k to stop unauthorised driving on the Scrubs. This is welcomed as there has been buses and cars including an ice cream van seen driving on the Scrubs.
Apparently the Pony Centre has paid a rent since 2016 but the monies are being retained by LBHF. This money needs to be paid into the WSCT accounts with appropriate deductions for the administration and governance undertaken by LBHF. This is a point of principle as WSCT should have control of all its assets and income.
The designated and signed Cycle route was negotiated some years ago and accepted by the FoWWS. However, Google Maps gives a route across the Scrubs east-west for cyclists on the grass. Information Signs and Law Enforcement Team to make clear that only designated cycle route to be used.
Thames Valley Harriers (TVH) proposal for an refurbishment and extension of their clubhouse at their cost. Extent of the extension and more detail on their proposal required, eg café and toilet facilities for the wider community.
3. Update from Emma
a) Volunteers/work being organised by Stefan
Emma has received a rough plan from Stefan around the types of things which could be done by volunteers, and the time of year to be undertaken. Also organised a meeting between Tilly Collins (TC), FOWWS Hon Ecologist, and Stefan which was positive. TC subsequently sent a useful summary of their discussion and a further meeting will take place later in September when other trustees will be able to attend. There were 70 volunteers working on the Scrubs on the 3rd Sept primarily spreading woodchip on the paths through woodland etc. However they ran out of woodchip. Need to use this useful resource more effectively. Meantime, Emma will continue liaising with Stefan and Heather Marsh.
The hazels which have been planted in the chestnut grove will not survive as Tilly has pointed out. Emma will liaise with Stefan and Heather as to their being replanted elsewhere. This was the location selected by Stef and LBHF ecologist Seb.
b) removal of dead hedging much of this has already been undertaken including the removal of posts at Braybrook Street end. What has grown in the area should remain, and is not impeding access through. Emma and Smita met with a concerned Friend on the Scrubs regarding safety and security on the eastern half of the meadow where evidence of a camp and misuse were found and photographed. These concerns, expressed before by others, regarding the potential deadends and enclaves with no way through were discussed. Emma said that there is a ‘secret gap’ in the hedge on the south side (where the hedges overlap with room to get through), without being too obvious to those looking for an entrance; this could be replicated elsewhere, particularly on the east side against the airplane field. It was agreed by the Trustees that this should be pursued asap, with approval from LBHF. Volunteers from pro and anti-hedging factions to be invited to participate.
The northern boundary to the meadow area is causing concern as the HS2 compound makes the E/W path from the airplane field much narrower. Stef has suggested removal of the brambles near the HS2 fence to allow the path to be widened at its narrow section. It was agreed that an alternative E/W path should be cut through next to the HS2 fence to replace the one we lost, thus creating an alternative path which will allow more foot traffic and hopefully reduce the one path becoming too muddy. This will also allow easy access to the viewing windows in the fencing which Ben has negotiated. .
4. Update from Ben on alternative to Google Groups Chat forum.
We have lost a lot of Friends due to the volume and in some cases the tone of Friends posting on this system. Following Jack’s enquiry to Friends, it is clear that it is inappropriate to restrict Friends’ ability to speak out, but also necessary to make it easier for Friends with less interest not to have to receive all the posts.
Ben has circulated an alternative forum which some of the trustees have tested. It seems like a positive way forward to deal with the issues. It was agreed that Ben, Sarah and Faye would work on it with input from other trustees as required.
Agreed principles include: Only members of FOWWS will be able to register for the forum; there will be a code of conduct for users of the new forum, which will be based on the need for courtesy and consideration but may spell this out in a little more detail.
Friends will still join FOWWS through the existing system. The chat function within Google Groups will be removed, and used solely for official communications from Trustees.
Once the details have been worked out, there will be clear notification to Friends of the changes, and how to register for, and use, the new forum.
5. Sarah’s suggestion for a Summer Update Newsletter: We had update Newsletters in the past which were helpful for summarising to Members what had happened in the previous period of 3 – 6 months. A lot of the information is now stored on the website. Sarah will be asked what she envisages it will look like/frequency. There were suggestions that it could just be a one side of A4, with say 6 points on there. These could then also be laminated and attached to the Noticeboards.
6. COP26 Climate Carnival: LBHF are organising this in early November, and it was agreed that the ideas for an early morning bird walk with Barbara Crowther, and an environmental workshop with Tilly Collins should be proposed to the organiser at LBHF. There were additional suggestions for something for children, and for a volunteer day to help boost/ community spirit and bonding. Emma will talk to Stef about possible volunteering activity.
7. HS2 – CPO update: The WSCT meeting tomorrow adequately covers
8. AOB: Smita will send through the drawings received from HS2 following the meeting on the 1st September to Sarah tomorrow to go up on the Friends website together with the note of the meeting previously circulated by Miriam on behalf of the Friends who attended the meeting.
9. Date of Next Meeting: TBC when required
Meeting ended at approx. 7.40 pm