FOWWS Trustees report of the Wormwood Scrubs Charitable Trust meeting on 12 December 2023

The official minutes of the WSCT meeting on 12 December 2023 will be posted on the LBHF website HERE when they are ready.

Stephen Waley-Cohen and Faye Thomas, co-opted members of the WSCT, have produced this independent report:

The WSCT meeting started with the annual accounts for the year to March 2023, which show a good surplus because of the continuing income from the Kensington Aldridge Academy portakabins (likely to remain for a while yet, but not for ever) and some expenditure having been deferred into the current year, when the forecast is for a much smaller surplus for this reason.  There were no real questions to raise.

HS2 & The UTX site:

In 2021 following their occupation under a temporary possession order; HS2 issued a compulsory purchase order to acquire the land referred to as the UTX site in the north-west of the Scrubs adjacent to Old Oak Common lane. HS2 initially and publicly reassured us that they would return the land once they'd completed their work, with no money changing hands for its purchase or return, however it has proved impossible to get HS2 to put these assurances in any legal form. Given the considerable length of time that has passed since HS2 took occupation of the land and the subsequent failure to provide any of the promised legal assurances for its return (or it seems even engage in any discussion with the WSCT on the future of the land) - this matter is of increasing concern. 

HS2 have now requested additional access to a strip of land 30m x 5m adjacent to the UTX site, and need a licence from the WSCT. It was unanimously agreed, with strong support from Faye and Stephen, that this request should be used to encourage HS2 to focus on finalising the legal agreement for the return of the UTX site. 

HS2 also want to undertake Soil Resistivity testing, using the Scrubs as having very similar soil structure to below the station, and although there seems to be little reason to object to permitting this, consent is likely to be withheld until the satisfactory completion of the legal agreement on the return to WSCT of the UTX site.

The Alternative Ecological Masterplan, long in its gestation, is almost ready for submission to OPDC (Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation, regrettably the planning authority for the Scrubs) and Officers hope to put it in in January, with a likely public consultation for about 3 weeks from mid-February.   On a recent walk with some FOWWS Trustees and Councillors and Officers, FOWWS strongly made the points that:

  •  the proposed pond was in the wrong place for ecological and topographical reasons;  

  •   that the wetness of Martin Bell's Wood was not being made full use of;  

  •   that the northwest corner of the Scrubs is always very wet due to an underground 'hidden' stream;  

  •   and that there appear to be more, and harder-surfaced, paths in the proposed pond area between the prison and the central copse than originally proposed.   

Depending on the planning application finally submitted, individual Friends, and/or FOWWS, may make formal objections relating to these matters.   We are generally very positive about the Masterplan, but retain these reservations which we have voiced  throughout its long gestation.

Modest expenditure to repair the fencing against Lesters Embankment was discussed and agreed, ensuring access is still available for maintenance.

It is proposed to send notices to dog-walking licence holders to advise them of preferred routes and those to avoid, notably in the meadow area which is soon to become a Local Nature Reserve(LNR) and especially during bird nesting season.

We were advised that the performance of IDVerde in its contracts elsewhere in the Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham (LBHF) was unsatisfactory, and that if this did not improve, it could involve repercussions in connection with their contract for the Scrubs, where its performance has been better.  There will be updates at subsequent meetings. 

Capital works on Linford Christie Stadium should begin in early Spring for completion by late autumn.  Thames Valley Harriers and Kensington Dragons are being kept in close contact to avoid undue interference with their activities, but they will inevitably be affected.  This includes the replacement of the covered track, the main track, the floodlights, and the taking down of the western section of the changing rooms and their replacement with bespoke portacabins.  All these were approved at the last meeting, with WSCT contributing to the costs, but the largest share of costs being met by LBHF.

There was a report from the Law Enforcement Team (LET) and it was noted that they struggled to achieve their objectives, particularly in connection with professional dog-walkers failing to follow the PSPO rules, despite the Scrubs having a large share of their time compared with other open spaces. 

The bollards at the Scrubs Lane entrance may soon be operational, and there is a long tale of poor planning and implementation of this project, from which lessons have been learned! 

Stephen asked about the removal of brambles and other scrub and grass, and whether this was calculated as a proportion of the whole Scrubs or just of the affected areas, and Osama (Scrubs Manager) gave a satisfactory response. 

Stephen Waley-Cohen

Faye Thomas


New Year’s Eve (nearly) drinks on the Scrubs!


Friends of the Scrubs Trustees meeting on 11 December 2023